Minos Logo
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Minos is a logging program for many VHF and UHF amateur radio contests written by Mike Goodey G0GJV. It offers support for most RSGB and Region 1 events, with real time or post event entry and production of an entry log file for submission to the adjudicators. More information about amateur radio contests can be found from the links page.

Minos screen shot


*Region1 Test (.edi), G0GJV (.gjv), .minos, Google Earth (.kml), summary


In March 2008 Minos was made Open Source under the BSD licensing scheme. It is now licenced under GPL3.

In December 2017 Minos 2 was released which has many new features.

More on the history of Minos, and its predecessor GJVLog can be found on the history page.


If you use Minos and want to discuss the program or have any problems with it you are encouraged to join the project discussion mailing list on Groups.io. Visit https://minos.groups.io/g/users

Alternatively email Mike Goodey G0GJV for any Minos program and software issues.

Comments on the Minos website (only) should be sent to G3YMC.

Last Updated: Mon, 22 Apr 2019 09:21:45 GMT