This page contains some related links to Minos and amateur radio.
Mike Goodey's website - for information on
earlier versions of the program.
Bracknell Amateur Radio Club - for which the
program was originally developed.
RSGB VHF Contest Committee - contest calendar
and rules, a lot of related contest information, contest robot and on-line entry
RSGB main site
VHF - for Region 1 VHF contests,
run by Ondrej OK1CDJ
UK Microwave Group - information on microwave
EDR VHF Committee - for
specification of the IARU Reg1Test contest format used in Minos.
General links
Wikipedia article on Contesting -
good background reading
The Maidenhead Locator
system, as used in many VHF contests.
MMANA-GAL- excellent free antenna
modelling software to optimise those big yagis.
Last Updated: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 15:47:51 GMT